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Die Kombination von (Aus-)Bildung und Beschäftigung kann die Arbeitsmarktergebnisse erheblich verbessern ...

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„Die Kombination von Ausbildung und Beschäftigung hilft den Bildungsteilnehmenden, fachliche und persönliche Fähigkeiten zu erwerben, die auf dem Arbeitsmarkt hilfreich sind, und erhöht ihre Chancen auf einen reibungslosen Übergang ins Berufsleben. […] In vielen Ländern, wie z. B. in Deutschland und der Schweiz, ist die duale Ausbildung weit verbreitet, während in anderen Ländern die Bildungsteilnehmenden neben ihrer Ausbildung einer nicht mit der Ausbildung verbundenen Tätigkeit nachgehen, was für ihre Aussichten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt oft weniger günstig ist. […] Die Kombination von (Aus-)Bildung und Beschäftigung kann die Arbeitsmarktergebnisse erheblich verbessern, indem sie den Einzelnen sowohl mit theoretischem Wissen als auch mit praktischer Erfahrung ausstattet.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 62f.

Teilnahmepflicht für einige Jahre im Bereich der Bildungsangebote für Kinder ab 3 Jahren ...

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„Inzwischen gilt in 24 Ländern eine Teilnahmepflicht für einige Jahre im Bereich der Bildungsangebote für Kinder ab 3 Jahren. In 11 Ländern beginnt die Schulpflicht ein Jahr vor dem Eintritt in die Primarschule. In einigen Ländern beginnt die Schulpflicht sogar noch früher: im Alter von 3 Jahren in Frankreich, Israel, Mexiko und Ungarn, von 4 Jahren in Argentinien, Brasilien, Bulgarien, Costa Rica, Griechenland und Luxemburg und von 4 bis 5 Jahren in der Schweiz.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 156.

Gebühren in Masterbildungsgängen ...

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„In Finnland müssen Bildungsteilnehmende aus Ländern außerhalb der EU bzw. des EWR für Masterbildungsgänge an öffentlichen Bildungseinrichtungen rund 14.000 US-Dollar pro Jahr bezahlen. In Frankreich sind die Gebühren, die von Bildungsteilnehmenden aus Ländern außerhalb der EU bzw. des EWR in Masterbildungsgängen erhoben werden, um 5.200 US-Dollar höher, während der Unterschied in Österreich und der Schweiz weniger als 1.800 US-Dollar beträgt.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 318.

Arbeitslosenrate 2022 ...


„Im Jahr 2022 waren in der EU, bezogen auf die aktuell 27 Mitgliedsstaaten, 14,5 % der 15- bis 24-Jährigen arbeitslos. In Deutschland waren es 2022 6,0 % in dieser Altersgruppe, in Österreich waren es 9,5 % der 15- bis 24-Jährigen und in der Schweiz lag die Arbeitslosigkeit bei 7,5 %.“
ÖIF (Hrsg.), Fokus Jugend 2024 (2024), S. 30.

The five most attractive countries for highly skilled migrants in 2023 ...


„The five most attractive countries for highly skilled migrants in 2023 are New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, and Norway. […] Highly qualified workers in Austria face weak employment outcomes in combination with a high tax wedge, high visa refusal rates and relatively long visa processing times.“
OECD (Hrsg.), What is the best country for global talents in the OECD? (2023), S. 4.
Österreich befindet sich unter den 38 OECD-Staaten erst an 26. Stelle. (Quelle: ibidem, Fig. 1.)

In Austria, the Netherlands and Switzerland vocational education is well-developed ...


„In countries where vocational education is well-developed, as in Austria, the Netherlands and Switzerland, upper secondary education offers more than one vocational programme. These systems have a high level of stratification or diversity across programmes.“
Camilla Stronati, The design of upper secondary education across OECD countries (2023), S. 15.

Different tracks or pathways for lower secondary students ...

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„It should be noted that lower secondary students in Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Slovakia, Switzerland and Liechtenstein follow different tracks or pathways that have different curricula.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Increasing achievement and motivation in mathematics and science learning in schools (2022), S. 64.

Only in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland a third or more of young people participate in traditional Dual Systems of apprenticeship ...

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„A number of countries have traditional Dual Systems of apprenticeship, where provision is regulated by the social partners, and with apprentices recruited by firms and placed on employment contracts (including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Switzerland). But it is only in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland where a third or more of young people participate in them.“
Andy Green u. a., The Effects of System Type and System Characteristics on Skills Acquisition in Upper Secondary Education and Training (2021), S. 25.

Switzerland and Germany, two OECD countries with wide-spread and renowned apprenticeship and vocational education and training systems ...


„Switzerland and Germany, two OECD countries with wide-spread and renowned apprenticeship and vocational education and training systems, encourage the participation of youth with migrant parents in VET options through targeted schemes.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Young People with Migrant Parents (2021), S. 58.

The unemployment rate of young adults aged 25–34 years with a vocational secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary qualification ...


„In Austria, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland, the unemployment rate of young adults aged 25–34 years with a vocational secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary qualification is less than half that of people with a corresponding general qualification.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Non-state actors in education (2021), S. 182.

Schweiz: Als Belastung wahrgenommen ...


Schweiz: „Am wenigsten fühlen sich die Lehrpersonen durch die selbstgewählte Weiterbildung belastet. Auch die unterrichtsbezogenen Tätigkeiten sowie die Begleitung und Beratung von Schüler/innen werden nur von einer Minderheit der Lehrpersonen als Belastung wahrgenommen. Jede fünfte Lehrperson fühlt sich durch Elternkontakte sowie durch die institutionelle Zusammenarbeit belastet. Am stärksten belastend werden verordnete Weiterbildungen sowie Gemeinschaftsaufgaben/ Administration wahrgenommen (rund jede dritte Lehrperson) – jene Tätigkeiten also, bei denen die Lehrpersonen über wenig Autonomie verfügen.“
Martina Brägger, LCH Arbeitszeiterhebung 2019 (AZE’19) (2020), S. 49.

Die beruflichen Ausbildungsgänge in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz enthalten ein starkes berufspraktisches Element ...


„Die beruflichen Ausbildungsgänge in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz enthalten ein starkes berufspraktisches Element, das den Absolventen im Allgemeinen die besten Arbeitsmarktergebnisse garantiert.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2020. OECD-Indikatoren (2020), S. 70f.

Leistungsdifferenzierter Unterricht in vielen EU-Staaten ...


„For differences in the level of teaching or learning requirements of different types of education institution, typical examples are the hierarchically ordered general educational paths of Germany, the Netherlands, Austria or Switzerland. However, other education systems also apply similar organisational principles (e.g. Czechia, France, Luxembourg, Hungary or Slovakia).“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 81.

Grouping students by ability into different classes as the predominant practice ...


„According to the PISA 2018 survey, grouping students by ability into different classes is the predominant practice in Ireland and the United Kingdom, with more than 90 % of students attending schools where this is practiced. Besides Ireland and the United Kingdom, the majority of 15-year-old students are also in schools that group students by ability in different classes in the German and Flemish Communities of Belgium, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Romania, Switzerland, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Turkey.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 137.

Studiengebühren ...


„All or most students pay above EUR 1 000 annual fees in Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education 2020/21 (2020), S. 35.

Renewed interest in apprenticeship training due to the positive results ...


„There is renewed interest in apprenticeship training due to the positive results produced by apprenticeship programmes – in particular favourable youth labour market outcomes- in countries with a tradition of strong apprenticeship systems like Austria, Germany and Switzerland.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 27.

The combination of classroom learning and practical training is an attractive learning pathway ...


„The combination of classroom learning and practical training is an attractive learning pathway. […] Apprenticeships may also be effective against early school leaving: they appeal to more practically-minded young people who may lack the aptitude to for [sic] further classroom-based learning, and reduce incentives to leave school for paid work. There is renewed interest in apprenticeship training due to the positive results produced by apprenticeship programmes – in particular favourable youth labour market outcomes- in countries with a tradition of strong apprenticeship systems like Austria, Germany and Switzerland.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 120.

Vocational education and training can play a crucial role in tackling youth unemployment ...


„Vocational education and training can play a crucial role in tackling youth unemployment. During economic downturns, such as the 2008 recession, they have proved to be a powerful tool in addressing youth unemployment in countries such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Education at a Glance 2019 (2019), S. 32.

For international university students, the top five countries are Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Finland and the United States ...


„For international university students, the top five countries are Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Finland and the United States.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „How do OECD countries compare in their attractiveness for talented migrants?“ (2019), S. 1

The most attractive OECD countries for highly qualified workers are Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, New Zealand and Canada ...

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„The most attractive OECD countries for highly qualified workers are Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, New Zealand and Canada, which offer favourable labour market conditions and an excellent skills environment for highly skilled workers in general.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „How do OECD countries compare in their attractiveness for talented migrants?“ (2019), S. 1

Indicators of talent attractiveness ...


„A recent OECD study on indicators of talent attractiveness places Canada in fifth position – after Australia, Sweden, Switzerland and New Zealand – among OECD countries for its overall attractiveness to workers with masters/doctoral degrees.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Recruiting Immigrant Workers: Canada 2019 (2019), S. 153.

Foreign-born adults lacking upper secondary education ...


„In many OECD countries, a smaller share of foreign-born adults than native-born adults is lacking upper secondary education. For instance, in Australia only 14 % of foreign-born adults have not gained an upper secondary education while among native-born adults the share is 22 %. […] In Germany, 32 % of foreign-born adults do not have upper secondary education, more than three times the rate among native-born adults (9 %). In Austria, Belgium, Costa Rica, Greece, Italy, France, Switzerland and the United States, the difference is still more than 10 percentage points“
OECD (Hrsg.), Education Indicators in Focus 65 (Dezember 2018), S. 2f.

In Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland ist die Chancenungerechtigkeit nicht größer ...


„In Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland ist die Chancenungerechtigkeit nicht größer als in England, den USA und Finnland – alles Länder mit einer gemeinsamen Sekundarstufe für alle Schüler.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Fend, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom November 2018, S. 25

Wo der Anteil leistungsschwacher Schüler unter Migranten besonders hoch ist ...


„In Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Belgien, Dänemark, Finnland, Luxemburg, Slowenien und Schweden ist unter Migranten und deren Nachkommen der Anteil leistungsschwacher Schüler besonders hoch. In diesen Ländern erreichen Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund mehr als doppelt so häufig wie Schüler ohne Migrationshintergrund nicht die schulischen Grundkenntnisse.“

OECD, Presseaussendung vom 19. März 2018


Academic underperformance among immigrant students is particularly critical in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Sweden and Switzerland ...


„Academic underperformance among immigrant students is particularly critical in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Sweden and Switzerland.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus 82“ (März 2018), S. 5


Countries with a long tradition of a strong apprenticeship system are Austria, Germany and Switzerland ...


„Apprenticeships are an ideal way of providing relevant practical training […] Empirical research suggests that apprenticeships yield positive returns in terms of wages and job stability. Learning in the workplace also allows young people to develop both 'hard' skills on modern equipment and 'soft' skills (such as teamwork, communication or negotiation skills) through real-world experience. Countries with a long tradition of a strong apprenticeship system are Austria, Germany and Switzerland.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Good Jobs for All in a Changing World of Work“ (2018), S. 233

Migrationspolitik klassischer Einwanderungsländer ...


„Regions attracting the highest share of highly educated migrants are mostly located in Canada, Australia, Northern Europe and Switzerland. […] In the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway and Sweden, most regions display larger shares of highly-educated among the foreign-born than among the nativeborn population. In all regions of Australia and most regions of Canada, the share of foreign-born with tertiary education is higher than that of natives by at least 10 percentage points.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Regions and Cities at a Glance 2018“ (2018), S. 84


The native-born children of immigrants are more likely than their peers with no migrant background to drop out early ...


„The native-born children of immigrants are more likely than their peers with no migrant background to drop out early in two-fifths of countries, particularly in longstanding European destinations and the Nordic countries. Shares exceed 13 % in Sweden, Austria and Spain. The widest gaps in drop-out rates between pupils of foreign- and native-born parents are in Austria and Slovenia. […] In Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia, young people with a non-EU background are more than twice as likely to drop out as their peers of native-born parentage.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Settling In 2018“ (2018), S. 198


A country’s performance in PISA is unrelated to the use of standardised testing ...


„A country’s performance in PISA is […] unrelated to the use of standardised testing. Among countries and economies that perform near the top in science, the use of mandatory standardised tests is widespread in Beijing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Guangdong (China), Singapore and the United Kingdom, but relatively uncommon in Germany, Korea and Switzerland.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „„PISA in Focus“, Nr. 79, Dezember 2017, S. 4


Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz: Dort hat das duale System der Berufsbildung einen hohen Stellenwert ...


Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz: „Dort hat das duale System der Berufsbildung einen hohen Stellenwert. Eine weitere Gemeinsamkeit besteht darin, dass diese Länder die niedrigste Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa aufweisen: 2012 etwa 8 Prozent bei einem EU-Durchschnitt von 23 Prozent.“

Dr. Rainer Bölling, „Hochschulzugang, Kompetenzniveau und Arbeitsmarkt im internationalen Vergleich“. In: Lin-Klitzing u. a., „Leistungsstandards und Leistungsbewertung an Gymnasien und Universitäten“ (2017), S. 152


Nur dort, wo es geringe Akademikerquoten gibt, ist auch die Akademikerarbeitslosigkeit noch gering ...


„Nur dort, wo es geringe Akademikerquoten gibt – in der Schweiz, in Österreich und Deutschland -, ist auch die Akademikerarbeitslosigkeit noch gering. Überall dort, wo die tertiären Bildungsprogramme schon gegriffen haben, wächst das akademische Prekariat.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Konrad Paul Liessmann, „Bildung als Provokation“ (2017), S. 56


Some OECD countries such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland benefit from a very well developed vocational education and training (VET) system ...


„Some OECD countries such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland benefit from a very well developed vocational education and training (VET) system. In those countries, VET is a common pathway to stable and well paid jobs.“

Dr. Paula Garda, „Enhancing employability and skills to meet labour market needs in Italy“ (2017), S. 29


Schweden: There is an effort to make adult education accessible ...


Schweden: „There is an effort to make adult education accessible and, within the public education and training system, it is free of charge for Swedish citizens and some cases of non-Swedish residents (e.g. citizens from the European Union or Switzerland).“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook. Sweden“ (2017), S. 9


Learning from well-performing VET Systems in OECD countries ...


„Some OECD countries such as Germany, Austria or Switzerland benefit from a very well-developed vocational education and training (VET) system. In those countries, VET is a common pathway to stable and well-paid jobs and it is well appreciated by students, enterprises and governments.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report Italy 2017“ (2017), S. 88


In all PISA countries and economies except Belgium and Switzerland, disadvantaged students have lower levels of achievement motivation than advantaged students ...

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In all PISA countries and economies except Belgium and Switzerland, disadvantaged students have lower levels of achievement motivation than advantaged students.

OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2015. Students Well-Being (2017), S. 94


Nicht einmal 1 Prozent der Zuwanderung über Rot-Weiß-Rot-Karte ...


„In 2015, 1 300 persons immigrated in Austria via the red-white-red card (or the complementary EU-blue card), against 91 600 immigrants from the European Union (and Switzerland), 88 300 asylum seekers or 14 900 persons through family reunion.“

Dr. Volker Ziemann, „Inclusive labour Markets in the digital era: The case of Austria“ (2017), S. 33


Das sozioökonomische Niveau der Elternhäuser ...


„In den skandinavischen Staaten Finnland, Schweden oder Norwegen sowie der Schweiz oder Kanada liegt der sozioökonomische Status signifikant über dem OECD-Mittelwert.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristina Reiss u. a., „PISA 2015. Eine Studie zwischen Kontinuität und Innovation“ (2016), S. 291f

Anmerkung: In Österreich liegt das sozioökonomische Niveau der Elternhäuser sogar schon unter dem OECD-Mittelwert!


In Austria, Luxembourg, New Zealand and Switzerland, more than one in five entrants into a bachelor’s programme are international students ...


„In Austria, Luxembourg, New Zealand and Switzerland, more than one in five entrants into a bachelor’s programme are international students, well above the OECD average of 10%.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2016“ (2016), S. 317


In countries with lower level upper secondary tracks, such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland, around 90% of all young people aged 25-34 have completed an upper secondary degree ...

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„In countries with lower level upper secondary tracks, such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland, around 90% of all young people aged 25-34 have completed an upper secondary degree, compared to only 82 % in Sweden.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Sweden“ (2016), S. 137


Experience from Canada and Switzerland shows that well-developed apprenticeship schemes help integration of low-skilled immigrants and their children ...


„Experience from Canada and Switzerland shows that utilising immigrants’ full skills is a challenge, but that well-developed apprenticeship schemes help integration of low-skilled immigrants and their children.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Economic Surveys – Finland“ (2016), S. 38


The Netherlands is in the 7th position among OECD countries behind Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Luxembourg, Ireland and Canada in terms of attracting talent ...


„The Netherlands is in the 7th position among OECD countries behind Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Luxembourg, Ireland and Canada in terms of attracting talent. Likewise, the country appears to be in a good position to retain talent. It ranks 6th among OECD countries, behind Switzerland, the United States, Norway, Finland and the United Kingdom.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Recruiting Immigrant Workers – The Netherlands 2016“ (2016), S. 196


The percentage of students below level 1 ...


„Among first- or second-generation migrants (not counting pupils from neighbouring Germany and Switzerland), the percentage of students below level 1 is more than twice that of native Austrians (24 % compared to 11 %) and the educational background of the students’ parents has a substantial influence on scores.“

Michael Bruneforth, MA, u. a., „Country Background Report for Austria“ (2015), S. 48


The student populations in Norway, Switzerland, Austria, and the Netherlands are relatively representative of the population with regard to students’ education back­ground ...


„The student populations in Norway, Switzerland, Austria, and the Netherlands are relatively representative of the population with regard to students’ education back­ground.“

DZHW (Hrsg.), „Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe“ (2015), S. 54


School systems with hierarchical tracks ...


„In school systems with hierarchical tracks, as they are common in some European countries (e.g., Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria), but also in Korea, China, Brazil, Russia, and Japan, tracking does take place at the school level. In these school systems, students are allocated by teachers to different schools with different curricula and different final degrees on the basis of their achievements and interests in primary school.“

Prof. Dr. Florian Klapproth, „Do Algorithms Homogenize Students’ Achievements in Secondary School Better Than Teachers’ Tracking Decisions?“ in „Educatrion Policy Analysis Archives“, 23(62), 2015, S. 3


Countries such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland have well-organised and highly successful vocational education and training (VET) systems ...


„Countries such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland have well-organised and highly successful vocational education and training (VET) systems with a clear emphasis on labour market prospects and the opportunities available.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „The ABC of Gender Equality in Education“ (2015), S. 107


Special legislation about gifted and talented students has been introduced throughout Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, and the Netherlands ...


„There are more provisions for talented and gifted students in 2014 than there were in 2000. Special legislation about gifted and talented students has been introduced throughout Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Special schools and/or classes are now in place in Denmark and Finland.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marca Wolfensberger, „Talent Development in European Higher Education“ (2015), S. 271


Vocational degrees and apprenticeships highly effective in facilitating school-to-work transitions ...

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„Vocational degrees and apprenticeships have been found to be highly effective in facilitating school-to-work transitions. […] They are particularly effective among the children of immigrants, especially in countries with high quality apprenticeships and vocational training and education (VET) systems such as Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „International Migration Outlook 2014“ (2014), S. 93


Countries with a long tradition of apprenticeship systems ...


„Dual schooling systems combining class-based learning with work-based apprenticeships have received significant attention. This is partly because of the good performance in terms of low youth unemployment in countries with a long tradition of apprenticeship systems – notably Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland – along with evidence that apprenticeship training helps make transitions from school to work smoother even for youth who are not subsequently retained by the firm providing the training.“

Dr. Glenda Quintini u. a., „Same Same but Different: School-to-work Transitions in Emerging and Advanced Economies“ (2014), S. 27


Austria is the country where Turkish immigrants have the lowest HISEI (Anm.: HISEI = Highest International Socio-Economic Index of Occupational Status) ...


„The mean HISEI (Anm.: HISEI = Highest International Socio-Economic Index of Occupational Status) among the children of Turkish immigrants is lower than the mean HISEI for the children of native-born parents in all countries. The gap is largest in Austria, which is the country where Turkish immigrants have the lowest HISEI, and smallest in Switzerland, which is the country where the average HISEI of Turkish children is highest.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Dustmann u. a., „Educational achievement of second-generation immigrants: an international comparison“ in „Economic Policy“ vom Jänner 2012, S. 170f


In Australien und der Schweiz sind die Eltern von drei von vier im Inland geborenen Zuwandererkindern in einem OECD-Hocheinkommensland geboren ...


„In Australien und der Schweiz sind die Eltern von drei von vier im Inland geborenen Zuwandererkindern in einem OECD-Hocheinkommensland geboren. Am geringsten ist der Anteil dieser Gruppe mit weniger als 10% in Österreich, Dänemark und den Niederlanden.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Integration von Zuwanderern – OECD-Indikatoren 2012“ (2012)


Die Klassengröße bei den 15-Jährigen ist nur in der Schweiz geringer als in Südtirol ...


„Die Klassengröße bei den 15-Jährigen ist nur in der Schweiz geringer als in Südtirol (19,1 Schüler und Schülerinnen je Klasse). Im OECD-Durchschnitt sind die Klassen mit 24,6 Schülern und Schülerinnen um mehr als 5 größer als in Südtirol.“

OECD, „PISA 2009 - Ergebnisse Südtirol“ (2011), Seite 135


Countries such as Germany, Belgium, Austria, and Switzerland recruited inexpensive and unskilled labourers from the poorest and most rural regions of Turkey ...


„Countries such as Germany, Belgium, Austria, and Switzerland recruited inexpensive and unskilled labourers from the poorest and most rural regions of Turkey, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Bosnia‑Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia Montenegro.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jaap Dronkers u.a., „Negative Selectivity of Europe's Guest-Workers Immigration?“ (2010), S. 89